How does benchmarking secure best value?
A key stage in any framework process is benchmarking; it is the process of ensuring you are getting the best value for money service from your chosen supplier, whilst using a compliant route to market. Benchmarking provides a comparison against market trends and other organisations for budgeting and planning purposes. It will give you and your organisation confidence in the costings you are committing to.
Benchmarking for a Direct Award
The Everything FM framework will compare the pricing information provided by your chosen supplier with our established benchmarking information for the category being procured. This is collated from a variety of sources including information obtained through the framework’s mini competitions and direct awards, comparable organisations’ spend on similar requirements, industry and market trend data, independent body market reports and many other sources of up to date financial and market information. The benchmarking results will be presented in a simple, easy to understand short report, with evidence around the value you are receiving through your direct award process.
Benchmarking for a Mini Competition
The Everything FM framework will support you to undertake a mini-competition through the framework with pre-approved suppliers, who will bid on a competitive basis for your requirements, ensuring that best value is achieved through introducing competition. We will review the pricing provided by the suppliers to ensure it is compliant, accurate, and provides value for money for your organisation in line with your specific requirements detailed in the mini-competition.